Thursday, March 26, 2009


some old some new

fgp/ hoodlems from wayne morrison on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

hahahahahahaha flaming bag of shit

con w said...

that was so sick

The prank master, you know? said...

yo nice try at the ding dong ditch here's some tips to make it work better next time.

1. Pick a house where there isn't any glass door; one less step between you, and hilarity, you know?
2. Ring the doorbell, that way, there isn't a risk of your skin cells being left on the door, and you gettin your ass dna traced.
3. pick a house with a wooden porch, that way, the burning back might actually have an effect on them, so they will put it out with their feet.
4. make sure you know any able bodied male will be able to answer the door fast enough to see the flames at their peak of peaks.

just some tips for you man. maybe someday you can be like me.

Anonymous said...

shut up dioren

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

hit em up hit em up