Tuesday, September 21, 2010

summer 2010 update

yeah sory for lacking yet again, half way there with fixing my vx, here is all the left over footage from this summer,

also this is the best angle i could find of that whole darren stevie manny mania chaos

this is the only vid where u can actually see

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Yooo foorr reall

VERY sorry for not updating in forEVER, ive just started school n shit, but im still living at home so its all good , hopefully my final promo for this vid im trying to make will make up for slack,

also kinda bad news im now going thru yet another problem with my vx, the foty keeps corrupting, im sure it my dirty tape heads to blame, my vx's playback feature broke a while ago so i cant use those cleaning tapes, i have to open it again and clean it myself, i got a bunch of leftover summer footage laying around hear somewhere to make a decent update, i really just need to stop being soo lazy